Networking and partnerships

 ‘We are only as strong as our networks’

 ‘We are only as strong as our networks’- is a mantra that we believe in at SSWIM where we are intentional about building personal and professional relationships, partnerships and a strong  network of  South Sudanese women in medicine both in South Sudan  and in the diaspora -regional and international. We encourage South Sudanese medical women to take advantage of these powerful networks and the opportunities available in SSWIM to work together and advance their personal and career growth.

Network with South Sudanese Medical Women


Join SSWIM’s growing online community to stay up to date with our activities, events and opportunities that we share on our social media platforms. Become a part of the conversation on Linked In, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and the SSWIM blog.

In South Sudan

Connect with other our member services database, sign up for committees and leadership roles and give back to your community. As a member of SSWIM you are also welcome to join us in our member networking meetings to be announced in the course of the year. These meetings focus on strategic career and personal development conference for women physicians, medical students and residents.

Email  for more information, we will help you make the connections you need!

Become a SSWIM partner

SSWIM welcomes partnerships from individuals, local and international NGOs and any other bodies or entities whose mission, vision, goals and objectives align with those of SSWIM.

SSWIM welcomes partnerships from individuals, local and international NGOs and any other bodies or entities whose mission, vision, goals and objectives align with those of SSWIM.

  • Exchange of information
  • Sharing unique perspectives
  • Collaborating on special projects

Potential partners are welcome to discuss other avenues for partnerships and collaboration by contacting more information.

SSWIM is a supportive community which will help boost your CV, confidence and career. Join us today!